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"You make it possible for tears of want and sadness,

to become tears of joy" 


(comment made on 28-May-2016 by CHANDRA WOOD a north american BBDC student)




Some students from the BBDC of Prof. Amora Shams decided to take the knowledge their learned through the course to another fields, like for psicological help for women who are mis treated by their husbands, like painters who create new designs inspired in Amora's teachings, like creating BellyDance online shops, like creating their own costume designs line, like fusionating it with other dances, like a base to go to Tribal dance, like creating BellyDance magazines, etc.


Many of the students who study this course are from Arabian and Indian backgrounds, so they just study this course to know more about BellyDance secrets, not to become bellydancers, but just to feel more grounded on dancing according to traditional rules, and Amora has a special agreement with them to not publish any photos, videos and even their names to protect them from public and society.


Some other students use this course knowledge to really dedicate their lifes into become BellyDancers and start dancing straight away after the course, but are minority, just few of them, but those become very successful in their dance career.


Here will be shared the videos of those students who during the course were successful students and after ending the course they continous their dance acreer making themselfs public their videos online after ending the BBDC


Each of these dancers dance in a unique way, they are not a copy of Amora and also of none other dancer, because this is the type of dancers that Amora creates, each one different to each other, like this they have more options to be successful in their dance career:



Jenny * Azin * Zara * Zazeen * Caramella * Yasmin


Other BBDC students



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