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FAQs about the Formation Courses to Become a BellyDancer or Golden BellyDancer





The BBDC "Become a BellyDancer Course" is a 60 hours duration completed in just 1 month, it's divided in 4 levels, the first 3 levels have international certification, the last level it's to help you to achieve the performance level. Amora created this course in Cairo EGYPT on 2008, after been 15 years teaching and performing BellyDance on top Arabian places in Morocco, Spain, France, London and Sharm el Sheikh (EGYPT).




The main reason why Amora Shams created this course it's to clean the image of BellyDance, creating a new era of Golden Age BellyDancers in Egypt and around the World, always teaching a lot in record time, because as far as we know, none one teaches as quick as she does, most of her BBDC students and her previous private and group students, have always been very shocked with the way how they all developed so quickly by learning from Amora. Her teaching methods, developed them during many years teaching in a very specific way, that non teacher do, just because we believe, they do not want to create competence next to them, their own students taking their own jobs.




If you want Amora to register you in the international system, then you need to let her know at any time during the course. The highest level you achieve after passing successfully your written and practical exams during the course, it's the International Level Certification she will ask the international system to issue for you (up to level 3).




* The first level it's Beginner Level where you will learn to do all the BellyDance movements that a Traditional and Professional BellyDancer should know, from the most basic movements until the most advanced and difficult movements, included the movements of your Belly, traveling steps with vibrations, moving in the space with undulations, ect, all these movements you will need them to after be able to develop the rest of the course. At the beginning of the course, the 1st class will be the introduction of the course, where you will learn to meaning of what it's to be a BellyDancer, the technical, philosophical and historical side of it. This level will teach you to become an excellent teacher, because you will understand the true meaning of what all teachers should be teaching to their students, which nowadays many teachers around the world, they just teach part of this level but divided by few years (under Amora's point of view, making the students waste their time, and the teachers getting very wealthy by having a monthly guarantee fixed income).


* The second level it's the Intermediate Level where you will learn to Improvise in a traditional way with the movements you have learned during the 1st level, very useful when you dance with live musicians, specially dancing for Arab community, plus you will learn to use the cymbals and the veil.


* The third level it's the Advanced Level where you will learn to Choreography to be able to create any future choreography, and very useful when you have students. Plus you will learn to use the Cane and the Capes or Wings.


The  last level it's the Professional Level where you will learn to be a Performer, here you will develop your self confidence, specially when going out to Arabian music disco, this level it's super important to become a famous dancer and win in competitions. During this level you will also learn to use the Candelabra and the Sword.





The location on where to teach the BBDC it depends on your booking, when she gets booked, then she arranges her agenda around the booking. Sometimes she travels to teach the course, in this case, if you are a private student, you must cover all her expenses or choose to pay 1000 euros extra.



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